How to stock a healthy pantry

We all know what it’s like to get in the door after a busy day and have no clue what to eat. But if you stock a well-organized pantry, you’ll find that throwing meals together is much easier when you have the right ingredients at hand. Read more »

5 diets that don’t work

From South Beach to the Master Cleanse, diets that help you drop pounds in a hurry may seem appealing–but will set you up for failure. Here are five quick-fix diets that don’t work Read more »

5 foods that will boost your mood

Feel better fast with these healthy pick-me-up foods, plus learn which foods will get you down

It’s 3 o’clock and all you want to do is march to the vending machine and grab a bag of chips or a chocolate bar. Sure, you’ll feel good for a while. But then, as your body crashes off that junk food high, you’ll come to regret digging around for that spare change. However, there are foods that you can eat throughout the day that will give you a more natural pick-me-up. [read full article] Read more »